Gas Contractor Responsibility to Request Approval Assessment for Specific Gas Appliances

Information Bulletin

Information Bulletin: Gas Contractor Responsibility to Request Commissioning Approval Assessment for Specific Gas Appliances

December 8, 2017

Information Bulletin

Reference Number:

IB-GA 2017-06

This Information Bulletin details the mandatory Commissioning Approval (CA) assessment request requirement for gas appliances specified in section 26(2) of the Gas Safety Regulation (GSR). Applicable appliances and equipment must bear the approval mark of a certification body (CB) orinspection body (IB) accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) prior to requesting or receiving a CA.

A Commissioning Approval assessment request will result in a site inspection or authorization from Technical Safety BC that the appliance is permitted to be tested, used or placed into operation.

Commissioning Approval (CA) - mandatory permission obtained from a gas safety officer to: perform testing, start-up and place into operation any regulated gas appliance as described in GSR s.26(2)

Direct-fired appliance - an appliance in which the combustion products or flue gases are intermixed with the medium being heated.

Conversion burner - CGA 3.4-1973 (R2015): a burner designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of converting heating and process equipment from the use of other fuels to gas firing and/or firing new heating or process equipment.

Forced draft -CSA B149.1 - Natural gas and propane installation code: a burner in which the combustion air is supplied by a mechanical device such as a fan or blower at sufficient pressure to overcome the resistance of the burner and the appliance.


Important Information

Requirements for Commissioning Approval

Section 26(2) of the GSR indicates that in addition to the requirement for a gas contractor to obtain a gas installation permit prior to installation of any gas appliance, equipment or gas system, the permit holder (installing contractor) shall request a commissioning approval assessment for any of the following specific gas fired appliances if included on the permit:

(a) any direct-fired non-recirculating type make-up heater

(b) commercial and industrial conversion burners (certified to a recognized standard, approved and designed for appliance type)

(c) any direct fired equipment

(d) forced draft appliances over 409,600 btuh or (120 kW)

Commissioning Approval assessment requests must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the above appliances being placed into service. If the gas safety officer cannot perform a physical on-site assessment, the permit holder must obtain documented authorization that the appliance is permitted to be placed into operation from the gas safety officer before proceeding. Any authorization is subject to further terms and conditions that may be imposed, including a physical assessment.

All CA assessments shall include completion and submission of a commissioning form. If a CA assessment for appliances identified in GSR s.26 (2) has not been completed or accepted by a gas safety officer, testing or use of the equipment is not authorized.

CA – Assessment Request

The installation gas contractor (permit holder) may submit Gas Notification Form to Technical Safety BC via our contact form.

Note: CA assessment requests must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the appliance being placed into service. Commissioning Approval Fees will be applied as per the current year gas fee schedule.

CA - Gas Fitter Qualifications Gas Safety Regulation s.6 and s.7

Class A gas fitter certificate of qualification entitles the holder to perform the commissioning of the following appliances with unlimited input:

(a) any direct-fired non-recirculating type make-up heater

(b) commercial and industrial conversion burners.

(c) any direct fired equipment

(d) forced draft appliances over 409,600 btuh or (120 kW)

Class B (B120 kW) gas fitter certificate of qualification entitles the holder to perform the commissioning of the following appliances with an input of 120 kW or (409,600 btuh) maximum or less:

(a) any direct-fired non-recirculating type make-up heater

(b) commercial and industrial conversion burners.

(c) any direct fired equipment

Class B (GP) gas fitter certificate of qualification entitles the holder to perform the commissioning of the following appliances with an input of 220 kW or (750,000 btuh) maximum or less:

(a) any direct-fired non-recirculating type make-up heater

(b) commercial and industrial conversion burners.

(c) any direct fired equipment

(d) forced draft appliances over 409,600 btuh or (120 kW)

Note: In addition to holding the appropriate qualification the individual must demonstrate the ability to perform all required test procedures and correct use or operation of all required test equipment.

Brad Wyatt
Provincial Safety Manager, Gas

Safety Standards Act
Gas Safety Regulation
CSA B149.1 - Natural gas and propane installation code
CGA 3.4-1973 (R2015) - Industrial and Commercial Gas-Fired Conversion Burners

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