Our Incident Investigation tool is currently experiencing some issues. We're actively working to resolve them and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Our Incident Investigation tool is currently experiencing some issues. We're actively working to resolve them and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Shelley Williams and Michael Wrinch Appointed to TSBC Board of Directors
April 20, 2023
Vancouver, BC (April 20, 2023) - Technical Safety BC is pleased to welcome to its Board of Directors, Shelley Williams for a three-year term effective February 20, 2023, and Michael Wrinch for a three-year term effective April 2, 2023.
“Shelley and Michael bring a depth of valuable expertise that will greatly contribute to our organization as we advance the safety system through continually evolving social, environmental, and economic conditions,” said Technical Safety BC board chair, George Abbott. “Shelley’s extensive governance experience and deep financial knowledge will provide significant value in delivering our strategy, while Michael’s experience as an electrical engineer and business owner will offer important client insight directly from the safety system. I’m so pleased they have joined our Board and I look forward to working with them.”
Shelley Williams is a Chartered Professional Accountant with an extensive corporate finance and capital markets background. She has held senior positions at several large companies, including Vice President, Corporate Treasurer at Finning International, and Corporate Treasurer at Fletcher Challenge Canada. She serves on boards for the Bank of Canada and Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund, and previously served on the boards of Concentra Bank, BC Life & Casualty Company, Douglas College, and the BC Securities Commission, where she held board leadership roles and chaired several committees, including HR & Compensation, Audit & Finance, and Risk.
Michael Wrinch is a professional electrical engineer with a PhD in power systems from the University of British Columbia. He is the president of Hedgehog Technologies Inc. and specializes in the research and development of advanced energy infrastructure and marine electrical technology. He has served on multiple boards, including Engineers and Geoscientists of BC and Engineers Canada. He has extensive experience collaborating with Indigenous communities to develop renewable energy systems. He is a fellow at Engineers Canada.
Technical Safety BC would like to thank outgoing directors Neil Cumming and Jeremy Black for their contribution to safety and good governance.
Technical Safety BC is governed by a board of 12 directors that provides oversight and ensures safety, transparency, and collaboration in their practices. They have the fiduciary responsibility of overseeing the organization's conduct and ensuring that all major issues affecting the organization's business and affairs are given proper consideration. In performing its functions, the Board also considers the interests of industry, communities, and government. To find out more about Technical Safety BC’s Board of Directors, visit: https://www.technicalsafetybc.ca/about/board-directors.
About Technical Safety BC
Technical Safety BC is an independent, self-funded organization that oversees the safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment. In addition to issuing permits, licences and certificates, it works with industry to reduce safety risks through assessment, education and outreach, enforcement, and research. For more information, visit www.technicalsafetybc.ca.
Media contact:
Technical Safety BC