Codes, Standards and Regulations

Our regulations describe the legal obligations of contractors and duty holders working with technical systems.
These regulations apply to everyone who installs, alters, maintains, or operates technologies regulated by Technical Safety BC.
In addition to the technology-specific regulations, a number of non-technical regulations cover items such as how fees are set.
You can view these regulations under both the Safety Standards Act and Railway Safety Act at the BC Statutes and Regulations site.
Types of Regulatory Notices
Safety Orders
Safety orders are regulatory instruments issued by our safety officers or safety managers to prevent or reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to property. Compliance is mandatory.
Directives are regulatory instruments issued by our safety managers to clarify or provide new interpretation, application, or operation of a regulation or code. Compliance is mandatory.
Information Bulletins
Information Bulletins provide helpful information and clarification on safety, administrative requirements or other matters that affect a particular technology.