Carbon Monoxide Exposure Occurs at Ice Rink
Incident Investigation
Carbon Monoxide Exposure Occurs at Ice Rink
September 10, 2024
Reference Number:
II-1759094-2024 (#51649)
Location: Coquitlam
Regulated industry sector: Gas - Natural gas system - Propane gas system
Incident overview
At an indoor ice rink, several people were exposed to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and experienced CO poisoning symptoms. At the start of the incident, a CO detector sounded and a natural gas boiler was assumed to be the main source of CO. Once the boiler was shut off, the arena remained in operation. On the day after the incident, high levels of CO continued to be detected. A Zamboni was found with an incorrectly operating fuel system, causing CO to accumulate, as there were no ventilation fans to bring in fresh air. While the facility had CO detectors in the building, it did not have CO detectors in the ice rink area.