Towing Outfit Cord and Platter Wrapped Around Haul Rope Causing Deropement at Local Ski Hill

Incident Investigation

Towing Outfit Cord and Platter Wrapped Around Haul Rope Causing Deropement at Local Ski Hill

December 8, 2023

Passenger Ropeways

Reference Number:

II-1647771-2023 (#42257)

Location: Interior, BC
Regulated industry sector: Passenger Ropeways – Surface ropeway


Incident Overview

During operating of a ropeway, a towing outfit cord and platter wrapped around the haul rope, causing deropement from the sheave assembly. This resulted in two damaged towing outfits, broken seats, and a broken towing cord. The attendant at the load station did not witness this activity. There was no attendant at the unload station even though the operating manual and code required an operator to be positioned there. The attendant at the unload station may have seen and prevented the deropement.

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