Adoption of BC Electrical Code, 2024 Edition

Information Bulletin

Information Bulletin: Adoption of BC Electrical Code, 2024 Edition

June 11, 2024

Information Bulletin

Reference Number:

IB-EL 2024-01

  1. General details

This information bulletin provides guidance to contractors and individuals performing regulated electrical work in British Columbia.


  1. Regulatory requirements

Effective March 4, 2025 the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, 26th Edition, Safety Standard for

Electrical Installations, Canadian Standards Association Standard C22.1-24 is adopted as the BC Electrical Code. All electrical work subject to the BC Electrical Code must comply with the updated edition effective March 4, 2025.


All code-related information bulletins and directives issued to date remain in effect. All potentially impacted information bulletins and directives will be reviewed for consistency with the new code edition and revised if necessary. There are no deviations from the Canadian Electrical Code this cycle.


  1. Transition for installation permits
  • Except as provided below, work performed under installation permits issued prior to March 4, 2025, must comply with the 2021 (25th) edition until the work is completed (i.e., even if the work is completed after March 4, 2025). All work done under this scenario must comply with the 2021 edition. Mixing select sections between editions is not permitted.
  • Work performed under installation permits issued before March 4, 2025, may comply with the 2024 (26th) edition of the code, provided that the work will be completed after March 4, 2025, and the licensed electrical contractor has declared that the 2024 edition will be followed on the permit application. As above, mixing select code sections between editions is not permitted.
  • All work performed under permits issued after March 4, 2025, must comply with the 2024 (26th) edition without exception.


Contractors who obtain permits from delegated local governments should familiarize themselves with local government policies regarding transition.


Copies of the Canadian Electrical Code, 26th edition may be purchased from multiple sources. Under the Safety Standards Act, section 24, licensed contractors are responsible for maintaining current knowledge of all relevant safety information, including codes and standards. Holders of operating permits also have that responsibility under section 28. Both licensed contractors and operating permit holders must ensure that individuals in their employ (i.e., who are performing regulated work) are also current with respect to code knowledge.



Provincial Safety Manager - Electrical


Safety Standards Act
Electrical Safety Regulation
Safety Standards General Regulation

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