Safety Order: Above surface fixed grip
Safety Order
Safety Order: Above surface fixed grip
January 24, 2012
Reference Number:
SO-PR 2012-01
The BCSA has received two incident reports in the last 30 days involving the failure of rope grips on above surface fixed grip passenger ropeways where the rope grip failed to maintain the required resistance to sliding on the haul rope. This safety order is issued pursuant to section 31 of the Safety Standards Act.
This safety order is issued pursuant to section 31 of the Safety Standards Act. A person affected by this safety order may appeal this order in writing to the Safety Standards Appeal Board within 30 days. The appeal process is set out on the Safety Standards Appeal Board's website at
Failure to comply with a safety order is an offence under section 72 of the Safety Standards Act.
Part 1: Details of Regulated Work or Regulated Product
This safety order is being issued in relation to (circle or highlight one):
Regulated Work – General |
Regulated Products – General |
Regulated Work – Specific Class |
Regulated Product – Above Surface Fixed Grip Passenger Ropeways |
Specific Regulated Work |
Specific Regulated Product |
The BCSA has received two incident reports in the last 30 days involving the failure of rope grips on above surface fixed grip passenger ropeways where the rope grip failed to maintain the required resistance to sliding on the haul rope. Both of these events resulted in the carriers sliding backwards for a full carrier length into the next carrier behind it. Fortunately, neither of these incidents resulted in injuries to passengers or further damage to equipment. In both of these incidents it was determined that a failure to properly tighten a “jam nut” on the spring pack adjustment mechanism caused the failures. It was also determined in one of the events that a passenger ropeway contractor did not follow manufacturer’s inspection criteria that required a monthly verification of a specific measurement on the rope grip to determine that the spring pack was setup properly.
Part 2: Requirement(s) of this safety order
BCSA is requiring that all passenger ropeway contractors operating above surface fixed grip passenger ropeways confirm that the following actions have been undertaken for each of the above surface fixed grip passenger ropeways they are currently maintaining under their licence:
- Conduct inspections on all above surface ropeway fixed rope grips to determine that:
- All required hardware is installed correctly (e.g. cotter pins, snap rings, roll pins etc.)
- All “jam nuts” on spring pack adjustment mechanisms or other mechanisms used to secure and maintain the rope grips resistance to sliding are installed correctly
- There is no excessive migration
- Review all manufacturers’ requirements with respect to required inspections for rope grips on above surface fixed grip passenger ropeways and confirm that all requirements have been met. If it is determined that the manufacturers’ inspection requirements have not been met then the ropeway must be taken out of service until the required inspections have been completed.
Confirm that all above surface fixed grip passenger ropeway rope grips that were installed prior to the 2011/2012 season or recently relocated rope grips have been subjected to the required proof test to determine the required resistance to sliding is achieved. See CAN/CSA Z98-07 clause 12.10.1. If it is determined that the required proof tests have not been undertaken then the ropeway must be taken out of service until the required tests have been completed.
- Confirm that a policy/procedure is in place for maintenance personnel to ensure that an installation quality check is undertaken for each rope grip installation/relocation to verify that it has been installed correctly. The quality check will confirm that all hardware is installed correctly, any required tolerance measurements meet manufacturer’s specifications and that any mechanism used to secure and maintain the rope grips resistance to sliding are installed correctly (i.e. “jam nuts”).
All of the above requirements must be confirmed as complete within the next seven days of operation. The attached confirmation of completion form must be submitted and each of the affected passenger ropeways being maintained under your passenger ropeway contractor licence must be identified on the form. The response must also include what actions were taken, if any, as a result of the inspections and tests (e.g. adjustments to spring pack, install hardware correctly etc.). If it is determined that any of the required manufacturer inspections or tests were not completed then you must inform your safety officer immediately. If you are unable to provide all the required information on the attached response form then please fell free to attach additional information in other formats as required (i.e. word docs, email, additional faxed pages). Response Forms must be submitted no later than January 31, 2012. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Safety Officer directly or the undersigned Safety Manager.
Part 3: Details of Issue (if applicable)
This safety order is being issued to the following:
All Passenger Ropeway Contractors maintaining above surface fixed grip passenger ropeways.
Part 4: Details of Ordering Safety Manager– Please read following page
I certify that I am authorized to issue this safety order in accordance with section 15 (d) of the Safety Standards Act or that I have been delegated this power under section 15 (g) of the Safety Standards Act.
Jason Gill Date: January 23, 2012
Provincial Safety Manager, Passenger Ropeways and Amusement Devices