
Operating Permits


When a railway car is moved on provincial land, it is subject to the Railway Act and Railway Safety Act of British Columbia. We administer railway safety legislation by agreement on behalf of the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI).

Companies with operations that move railway equipment are required under provincial legislation to become certified railways (railways operating under the Canada Marine Act or Mines Act of BC are exempt). Failure to certify as a railway may lead to actions and penalties as described within the provincial railway legislation.

Follow the steps below to certify as a provincial railway and obtain a railway operating permit.

Contact railway@technicalsafetybc.ca to begin the application process. A railway safety officer will be assigned to your file and work with you to ensure your application is complete and correct.

1a) Complete the application for a Railway Minister’s Certificate and submit to us.

1b) Each applicant will be invoiced the required application fee.

We will assist in the process by reviewing the application for compliance and will make a recommendation to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval and issuance of the Railway Minister’s Certificate.

Once a Railway Minister’s Certificate has been issued, the railway must develop a Railway Safety Management System (SMS) specific to its railway operation. We will assist in the process by reviewing the SMS for compliance and will make a recommendation for its acceptance by the Minister.

Once a railway has received a Railway Minister’s certificate and has an approved Safety Management System, we will recommend to the Provincial Registrar of Railway Safety that an operating permit be issued to the railway.

After the railway has been issued a Railway Minister’s Certificate and an operating permit, it becomes subject to regulatory oversight by our Railway Safety Program and is subject to all legislation and associated fees.

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As a province-wide organization, Technical Safety BC respectfully recognizes that its employees live and work on the traditional and unceded territories of the many Indigenous Nations that have thrived throughout British Columbia since time immemorial.

Technical Safety BC collects information for the purposes of administering the Safety Standards Act. That Act, along with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, constitutes the authority to collect such information. If you have questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information, contact the Senior Records, Information and Privacy Analyst for Technical Safety BC at 1 866 566 7233.