First Class

Power Engineer Certification


The First Class Power Engineer certificate of qualification allows you to be:

  • Chief engineer of a plant of any class
  • Shift engineer of a plant of any class
  • A person-in-charge of any type or size of refrigeration plant

To obtain this certificate, you'll need to meet certain eligibility requirements. You will also need to pass an evaluation and eight certification exams.

To apply for your First Class Power Engineer certificate, you must have one of the following:

To apply for your evaluation, you must be employed while in possession of a Second Class Power Engineer certificate, or a corresponding Canadian credential, for one of the following:

  • 30 months as chief engineer of a second class plant
  • 30 months as an assistant chief engineer of a first class plant
  • 36 months as a safety officer for the purposes of this regulation
  • 30 months as shift engineer of a first class plant
  • 45 months as an assistant shift engineer of a first class plant

Qualifying time credits:

  • If you have successfully completed an approved first class power engineering course, then the required period of employment can be reduced by 12 months. Refer here for a list of approved courses and course providers.
  • If you hold a mechanical engineering degree (Canadian or equivalent), then the required period of employment can be reduced to 12 months.

To apply, please complete the plant operating experience form 1026. Once you've filled it in, log in to your Online Services account, start your certificate application and follow the steps to upload the completed form and submit your application. Your proof of experience form will be reviewed by a Provincial Safety Manager. Don't have an account? Sign up now.

If you wish to submit your form by mail, please address it to:
Suite 600 - 2889 East 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5M 4T5.

To apply for your certification exams, you must meet the general eligibility requirements for this class.

Visit our exam page to find out how to apply for your exams.

You must pass the following eight exams. Each exam is 3.5 hours long, and you must achieve a minimum grade of 65% on each exam to pass. Exam details, including areas of study, can be viewed in the first class power engineer syllabus.

  • 1A1 - Applied Thermodynamics and Plant Cycles
  • 1A2 - Principles of Applied & Fluid Mechanics
  • 1A3 - Applied Engineering Technologies
  • 1A4 - Power Plant Operations
  • 1B1 - Legislation and Codes for Industrial Equipment
  • 1B2 - Safety, Loss, and Environmental Program Management
  • 1B3 - Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Practices
  • 1B4 - Business & Workforce Management

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