Passenger Ropeways
Technical Safety BC performs construction and acceptance assessments (inspections) on passenger ropeways as a part of an installation permit. We also perform periodic and operational assessments when deemed necessary to the safety system.
If an assessment has been deemed required, you will be contacted to schedule either a physical or remote assessment.
Evidence requirements
To support the remote assessment process for an existing passenger ropeway, you will be asked to provide specific evidence that clearly demonstrates that your existing passenger ropeway or conveyor meets the requirements of the Act, Regulation, and the CSA Z98-14 Safety Standard.
Types of evidence that may be requested by your local safety officer include, but are not limited to:
- Photo or videos logs (time-stamped when necessary)
- Live video conferencing
- Documentation (PDFs, Word, etc.), which includes the following passenger ropeway pre-operation inspection checklist declarations:
- Above-surface circulating ropeways
- Surface ropeways, including those using secondary carriers
- Rope tows – wire and fibre, including those using secondary carriers
- Passenger conveyors
- Reversible and industrial ropeways
For more information on these declarations, see Passenger ropeway and passenger conveyor contractors' pre-operation inspection declaration.
Assessments related to a new installation, or an alteration, will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Your local Safety Officer will contact you directly about these assessments.
Fees for remote assessments
Remote assessment requests will continue to be processed as per the current procedure, and upon completion and receipt of the certificate of inspection, you will be invoiced according to the Passenger Ropeways Fee Schedule.
For more information about remote assessments, contact our passenger ropeways team.
If you recently had an inspection of your passenger ropeway that identified non-compliances, you must confirm that you have taken action to rectify the situation by completing a Passenger Ropeways Information System Confirmation of Correction of Non-Compliances Form 1000. Please email us the completed form.
Inspection fees
Inspection fees vary based on the day of the week and the duration of the inspection.