Annual State of Safety 2023

State of Safety: Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Refrigeration

We oversee the design, construction, installation, and operation of boiler, pressure and refrigeration plants as well as pressure vessels, pressure piping systems, fittings and refrigeration equipment throughout BC.

In 2023, the boilers, pressure vessels, and refrigeration technology received 45 reports of incidents. While most incidents were ranked as “minor” or “insignificant,” we continued to see ammonia released in some of the major incidents.


incidents reported to us in 2023


assessments completed in 2023


injuries reported to us in 2023

Forklift Strikes Ammonia Refrigeration Line Causing Uncontrolled Leak

In a Langley food processing facility, an employee was moving a pallet from an upper storage rack using a forklift when the forks made contact with the roofing panel. The panel was located near a hidden ammonia line, and as the roofing panel pushed up due to the force of the forklift, the liquid-ammonia line bent. A two-bolt flange connection was strained, which caused an uncontrolled ammonia leak into the building and atmosphere. Over 1,000 lbs of ammonia was released and the building was evacuated. A significant amount of refrigerated food product was lost. This incident may serve as an example for considerations on the placement of ammonia and other dangerous lines in building construction. Signage and employee training to indicate the location of such lines may be risk-mitigating factors that would help to prevent similar incidents from happening again.


Forty-five incidents were reported to us in 2023, which did not change compared to 2022. Of these 45 incidents, four were ranked as “major,” two were ranked as “moderate,” 12 were ranked as “minor,” and 23 were ranked as “insignificant.” Four incidents were ranked as “under assessment” as they were still under investigation at the time the data was analyzed.

Boiler, Pressure Vessel, & Refrigeration Incidents by Year (2019 - 2023)


Two injuries were reported in the boilers, pressure vessels, and refrigeration technology in 2023, compared to 27 in 2022.

We receive injury reports and descriptions from operators or first responders at the time of, or immediately following, the incident. Injuries may develop after the initial reports were made to us and the long-term effects of a resultant injury may not be recorded as part of our investigation.

Boiler, Pressure Vessel, & Refrigeration Injuries by Year (2019 - 2023)


In 2023, we issued 1,329 installation permits, an increase of 3% compared to 2022. The year also saw 69,149 active operating permits in the boiler, pressure vessels, and refrigeration technology. This represented a 2% increase in operating permits compared to 2022.

BPVR Installation Permits by Year (2019-2023)
BPVR Operating Permits by Year (2019-2023)


Our safety officers completed a total of 5,720 assessments of boiler, pressure vessel, and refrigeration equipment in 2023. Of this total, 4,214 were in-person, physical inspections and 1,506 were remote inspections.

The results of in-person assessments included: 3,261 "passed" and 953 "failed." The results of remote assessments included: 1,315 "passed" and 191 "failed."

Learn more about how we define these assessment outcomes.

BPVR Compliance of Duty Holder's Work in 2023 (Physical Assessment)
BPVR Compliance of Duty Holder's Work in 2023 (Remote Assessment)

Data by Technology

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