Annual State of Safety 2023
State of Safety: Railways
We regulate railways that operate solely within BC and have a Ministers Certificate and Operating Permit issued by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Provincial railways are subject to the British Columbia Railway Act, Railway Safety Act, and adopted federal railway safety legislation. We regulate five different classes of railways: common carrier, heritage, commuter, industrial, and industrial sidings and spurs.
incidents reported to us
completed audits
injuries reported to us
Railways are responsible for ensuring all hazards are properly managed for safe railway operations. Continuing our education efforts, we provide operational information detailing the consequences of unsafe conditions that can impact the safety of railway employees, the public and the environment.
In 2023, the number of incidents relating to railways increased by two compared 2022, with 156 reported incidents. These incidents included 73 ranked “insignificant,” 60 ranked as “minor,” and eight ranked as “moderate,” while nine ranked as “major.” and six ranked as “severe.”
Railways Incidents by Year (2019 - 2023)
In 2023, 12 injuries were reported to us, which is a decrease of 20% compared to 2022. Among the injuries, four were ranked “moderate,” while another four were ranked as “major.” There were four confirmed fatalities, which were a result of human-train contact on commuter lines.
We receive injury reports and descriptions from operators or first responders at the time of, or immediately following, the incident. Injuries may develop after the initial reports were made to us and the long-term effects of a resultant injury may not be recorded as part of our investigation. Further, we have changed this publication’s reporting to include all fatalities related to human-train contact in the data reflected here. As such, the historical data presented here has been adjusted to parallel this change. We do not distinguish between accidental incidents leading to fatalities or if human-train contact was intended by the individual.
Railways Injuries by Year (2019 - 2023)
Technical Safety BC does not issue railway installation permits.
Assessments and Audits
As part of regular oversight, our railway safety officers assess and audit all operating railways. It is through assessments and audits that railways are sometimes found to be non-compliant with Acts, regulations, rules, and standards. Railway operations are also audited against their safety management systems, which are required for all railways. Assessments are rated as either a non-compliance or as an opportunity for improvement. Unlike some other technologies, the railways technology does not have a “conditional pass” category.
In 2023, Technical Safety BC's railway program conducted an audit on a local commuter line to evaluate its inspection processes, ensuring the civil infrastructure underwent assessments in line with the relevant criteria and intervals. This also included a review of actions taken based on findings from inspections of the railway's track network. The audit concluded that the railway met its responsibilities within the audit's framework, adhering to all pertinent standards and regulations.