
Annual State of Safety 2023

State of Safety: Electrical

We oversee electrical equipment and systems across BC in accordance with the Safety Standards Act and the Electrical Safety Regulation. The exception are those municipalities that have separate administrative agreements with the provincial government.

In 2023, we identified electric shock and electrical fire as two of our top five safety risks. Electric shock or arc flashes have caused injuries and often occur when experienced and certified individuals do not follow safety procedures, or when individuals with no electrical qualifications are working with regulated equipment. Electrical fire hazards can occur when electrical equipment is used improperly or when uncertified equipment is used. We continue to collect data surrounding these risks and work to mitigate the prevalence of these hazards


incidents reported to us in 2023


assessments completed in 2023


injuries reported to us in 2023

Arc Flash During Troubleshooting at 600-volt Motor Control Center

An electrician who was performing voltage tests at a 600-volt motor control center (MCC) was exposed to an arc flash. The electrician used a multi-meter with the test lead incorrectly connected to an amperage port and with an under-rated fuse. When the multi-meter shorted, the electrician was not wearing the required category 1 arc flash protection gear and suffered burns to their hands and face. This serves as a reminder that while protection is in place, it’s important to diligently ensure that equipment is connected as intended. Decision-making is also a contributing factor and deciding to wear protective gear is essential to reducing or eliminating injuries.


Eighty-six incidents were reported in 2023, an increase of 26% from the previous year. Nine were ranked as “insignificant,” 31 were ranked as “minor,” and 29 were ranked as “moderate,” while 11 were ranked as “major.” We also saw three “severe” incidents and three incidents continue to be “under assessment.” As the need for greener energy continues to emerge, more electrical equipment and systems are being added to BC’s buildings and homes. The increase in incidents may be proportional to the increase in activity installing and operating electrical equipment and systems.

Electrical Incidents by Year (2019 - 2023)


Thirteen injuries related to the electrical technology were reported in 2023, which represents an increase of 8% compared to 2022.

We receive injury reports and descriptions from operators or first responders at the time of, or immediately following, the incident. Injuries may develop after the initial reports were made to us and the long-term effects of a resultant injury may not be recorded as part of our investigation.

Electrical Injuries by Year (2019 - 2023)


In 2023, we issued 85,372 installation permits in the electrical technology, a 6% decrease from the previous year. Due to efforts over the past few years to increase adoption of electrical permits, we saw 16,478 active operating permits in 2023, an increase of 8% compared to 2022.

Electrical Installation Permits by Year (2019-2023)
Electrical Operating Permits by Year (2019-2023)


Our safety officers completed 31,721 assessments of electrical equipment and systems in 2023. This included 17,783 in-person assessments and 13,938 remote assessments. Compared to 2022, in-person assessments increased 8% while remote assessments decreased 16%. Depending on the nature of the work, we determine which type of assessment, whether in-person or remote, is most suitable. In 2023, more in-person assessments were selected by safety officers due to the complexity of the work.

The results of in-person assessments included: 13,418 “passed” and 4,365 “failed." The results of remote assessments included: 13,069 “passed” and 869 “failed.”

Learn more about how we define these assessment outcomes.

Electrical Compliance of Duty Holder's Work in 2023 (Physical Assessment)
Electrical Compliance of Duty Holder's Work in 2023 (Remote Assessment)

Data by Technology

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